About us

Our Story

Hello and welcome to Simply Collagen! We're thrilled to share our journey and passion for wellness with you. We are a family owned business with a dedication to a healthier, more vibrant lifestyle, rooted right here in the beautiful landscapes of New Zealand.

Why We Created This Store

Our journey with marine collagen began from personal necessity and grew into a shared passion. One of us suffered from tendonitis in both arms, a painful condition that made daily tasks challenging. After trying various treatments with little success, we turned to marine collagen. The support from boosting his own body collagen meant results were amazing, offering not just relief but a noticeable improvement in overall joint function.

Simultaneously, his partner battling persistent skin issues, exacerbated by underlying rare health condition. After incorporating marine collagen into her routine, the improvements in skin texture and resilience were clearly noticeable.

In addition we both noticed stronger nails and healthier skin, benefits that went far beyond our expectations.

Our Mission

Amazed by the profound impact of just one spoonful of marine collagen a day, we have developed the Simply Collagen store to share this supplement with others. Our mission is simple: to provide high-quality, sustainably sourced marine collagen that supports not only beauty but robust health.

Commitment to Quality

We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of purity and efficacy. Our marine collagen is sourced using methods that respect and preserve marine life. Rigorous testing ensures that each batch meets our strict quality criteria, so you can be confident in the collagen you consume.

Our Vision

At Simply Collagen, we envision a community where everyone has access to supplements that genuinely improve their health and well-being. We are dedicated to excellence, and the kind of customer service that makes you feel like part of the family.

Join Our Community

We invite you to try Simply Collagen and experience the benefits for yourself. Whether you're looking to enhance your skin's appearance, strengthen your nails, improving gut health, or support your joints, our marine collagen is here to help. Let's embark on this journey to better health together, one spoon at a time.